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Diabetic retinopathy screening with confocal fundus camera and artificial intelligence - assisted grading
Comparison Between 24-2 ZEST and 24-2 ZEST FAST Strategies in Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension Using a Fundus Perimeter
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening with Artificial Intelligence Preliminary experience in Italian Healthcare System
Frequent self-monitoring of intraocular pressure can determine effectiveness of medications in eyes with normal tension glaucoma
Self-monitoring of intraocular pressure and its clinical application
The utility of home tonometry for peri-interventional decision-making in glaucoma surgery: Case series
Reliability of iCare IC100 Rebound Tonometry and Agreement with Goldmann Applanation Tonometry in Healthy and Post-myopic LASIK Patients
Agreement Among Goldmann Applanation Tonometer, iCare, and iCare PRO Rebound Tonometers; Non-Contact Tonometer; and Tonopen XL in Healthy Elderly Subjects
Agreement and repeatability of Icare ic100 tonometer
Comparison of rebound tonometry and non-contact airpuff tonometry to Goldmann applanation tonometry