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A comparison between a white LED confocal imaging system and a conventional flash fundus camera using chromaticity analysis
Feeling the pressure: a cross-sectional study exploring feasibility of a healthcare Pop-Up for intraocular pressure measurements in shopping centres in England
Biofeedback Fixation Training Method for Improving Eccentric Vision in Patients With Loss of Foveal Function Secondary to Different Maculopathies
Analysis of reproducibility, evaluation, and preference of the new iC100 rebound tonometer versus iCare PRO and Perkins portable applanation tonometry
Self-monitoring of intraocular pressure using Icare HOME tonometry in clinical practice
Comparison of rebound tonometry and non-contact airpuff tonometry to Goldmann applanation tonometry
Using Icare HOME tonometry for follow-up of patients with open-angle glaucoma before and after selective laser trabeculoplasty
Self-measurement with Icare HOME tonometer, patients' feasibility and acceptability
Comparison of Disposable Goldmann Applanation Tonometer, ICare ic100, and Tonopen XL to Standards of Care Goldmann Nondisposable Applanation Tonometer for Measuring Intraocular Pressure
Comparison of the Intraocular Pressure Measured Using the New Rebound Tonometer Icare ic100 and Icare TA01i or Goldmann Applanation Tonometer