Fiabilité et reproductibilité des mesures de la pression intraoculaire par le tonomètre Icare® Home (modèle TA022) et comparaison avec les mesures au tonomètre à aplanation de Goldmann chez des patients glaucomateux [Reliability and reproducibility of introcular pressure (IOP) measurement with the Icare® Home rebound tonometer (model TA022) and comparison with Goldmann applanation tonometer in glaucoma patients].
Abstract Purpose: The Icare® Home tonometer is a new rebound tonometer, developed for intraocular pressure (IOP) self-monitoring. The main objective of our study was to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of measurements taken with the Icare® Home tonometer in glaucoma patients compared to the Goldmann applanation tonometer. A secondary objective was to investigate factors that […]
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