
  1. Microperimetry in age-related macular degeneration: association with macular morphology assessed by optical coherence tomography

    Publisher: Br J Ophthalmol. 2019; 103(12): 1769–1776.

    Authors: Miin Roh, Inês Laíns, Hyun Joon Shin, Dong Ho Park, Steven Mach, Demetrios G Vavvas, Ivana K Kim, Joan W Miller, Deeba Husain, John B Miller

  2. Diurnal Intraocular Pressure Fluctuations with Self-tonometry in Glaucoma Patients and Suspects: A Clinical Trial

    Publisher: Optom Vis Sci. 2018;95(2):88‐95.

    Authors: Jessie Huang, Paula Katalinic, Michael Kalloniatis, Michael P Hennessy, Barbara Zangerl

  3. Fiabilité et reproductibilité des mesures de la pression intraoculaire par le tonomètre Icare® Home (modèle TA022) et comparaison avec les mesures au tonomètre à aplanation de Goldmann chez des patients glaucomateux [Reliability and reproducibility of introcular pressure (IOP) measurement with the Icare® Home rebound tonometer (model TA022) and comparison with Goldmann applanation tonometer in glaucoma patients].

    Publisher: J Fr Ophtalmol. 2017;40(10):865‐875.

    Authors: B Valero, J-R Fénolland, R Rosenberg, D Sendon, C Mesnard, M Sigaux , J-M Giraud, J-P Renard

  4. Measurement of Intraocular Pressure by Patients With Glaucoma

    Publisher: JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017;135(10):1030‐1036.

    Authors: Savva Pronin , Lyndsay Brown, Roly Megaw, Andrew J Tatham

  5. Evaluation of a New Rebound Self-tonometer, Icare HOME: Comparison With Goldmann Applanation Tonometer

    Publisher: J Glaucoma. 2017;26(7):613‐618.

    Authors: Daisuke Takagi, Akira Sawada, Tetsuya Yamamoto

  6. Effective Dynamic Range and Retest Reliability of Dark-Adapted Two-Color Fundus-Controlled Perimetry in Patients With Macular Diseases

    Publisher: Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017; 58(6): BIO158-BIO167

    Authors: Maximilian Pfau; Moritz Lindner; Philipp L. Müller; Johannes Birtel; Robert P. Finger; Wolf M. Harmening; Monika Fleckenstein; Frank G. Holz; Steffen Schmitz-Valckenberg

  7. Monitoring daily intraocular pressure fluctuations with self-tonometry in healthy subjects

    Publisher: Acta Ophthalmol. 2017;95(5):525‐529.

    Authors: Laurence Quérat, Enping Chen

  8. Comparison of Compass and Humphrey Perimeters in Detecting Glaucomatous Defects

    Publisher: Eur J Ophthalmol. 2016; 26(6): 598-606

    Authors: Paolo Fogagnolo, MD, Antonio Modarelli, Francesco Oddone, Maurizio Digiuni, Giovanni Montesano, Nicola Orzalesi, Luca Rossetti

  9. A Pilot Evaluation Assessing the Ease of Use and Accuracy of the New Self/Home-Tonometer IcareHOME in Healthy Young Subjects

    Publisher: J Glaucoma. 2016;25(10):835‐841.

    Authors: Asuka Noguchi, Shunsuke Nakakura, Yuki Fujio, Yasuko Fukuma, Etsuko Mori, Hitoshi Tabuchi, Yoshiaki Kiuchi

  10. A comparison of visual field testing with a new automated perimeter, the Compass visual field analyser, and the Humphrey visual field analyser

    Publisher: Abstracts from the 2016 European Association for Vision and Eye Research Conference (EVER).

    Authors: J.R. Fenolland S. Bonnel R. Rosenberg D. Sendon W. Ghazal J.M. Giraud J.P. Renard