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Accuracy of Measurements With the iCare HOME Rebound Tonometer
The Icare HOME (TA022) Study: Performance of an Intraocular Pressure Measuring Device for Self-Tonometry by Glaucoma Patients
Self-tonometry as a complement in the investigation of glaucoma patients
Evaluation of a new rebound tonometer for self-measurement of intraocular pressure
Handhabung von Reboundselbsttonometern der ersten und zweiten Generation [Ease of handling of first and second generation rebound tonometers]
Reliability and Intersession Agreement of Microperimetric and Fixation Measurements Obtained with a New Microperimeter in Normal Eyes
COMPASS: Clinical Evaluation of a New Instrument for the Diagnosis of Glaucoma
Microperimetry of Nascent Geographic Atrophy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Intrasession Test–Retest Variability of Microperimetry in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Correlation between the Ganglion Cell-Inner Plexiform Layer Thickness Measured with Cirrus Hd-Oct and Macular Visual Field Sensitivity Measured with Microperimetry