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Effect of fundus tracking on structure-function relationship in glaucoma
Inter-Device Comparison of Blue-Light Autofluorescence in Optic Disc Drusen
Effect of Manual Upper Eyelid Elevation on Intraocular Pressure Measurement by Four Different Tonometers
Determining Significant Elevation of Intraocular Pressure Using Self-tonometry
Repeatability and agreement of intraocular pressure measurement among three tonometers
Changes in preoperative corneal measurements following same-day intraocular pressure testing with rebound tonometry
A comparison between a white LED confocal imaging system and a conventional flash fundus camera using chromaticity analysis
Feeling the pressure: a cross-sectional study exploring feasibility of a healthcare Pop-Up for intraocular pressure measurements in shopping centres in England
Biofeedback Fixation Training Method for Improving Eccentric Vision in Patients With Loss of Foveal Function Secondary to Different Maculopathies
Analysis of reproducibility, evaluation, and preference of the new iC100 rebound tonometer versus iCare PRO and Perkins portable applanation tonometry