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Self-monitoring of intraocular pressure using Icare HOME tonometry in clinical practice
Comparison of rebound tonometry and non-contact airpuff tonometry to Goldmann applanation tonometry
Using Icare HOME tonometry for follow-up of patients with open-angle glaucoma before and after selective laser trabeculoplasty
Self-measurement with Icare HOME tonometer, patients' feasibility and acceptability
Comparison of Disposable Goldmann Applanation Tonometer, ICare ic100, and Tonopen XL to Standards of Care Goldmann Nondisposable Applanation Tonometer for Measuring Intraocular Pressure
Comparison of the Intraocular Pressure Measured Using the New Rebound Tonometer Icare ic100 and Icare TA01i or Goldmann Applanation Tonometer
Retest Reliability of Mesopic and Dark-Adapted Microperimetry in Patients With Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Age-Matched Controls.
A comparison of relative diagnostic precision between the Compass fundus perimeter and the Humphrey Field Analyzer
A comparison between the Compass fundus perimeter and the Humphrey Field Analyzer
Macular integrity assessment to determine the association between macular microstructure and functional parameters in diabetic macular edema